Changing lives: Clare

Every case is different. Our child social workers strive to bring about outcomes that better the lives of our young people, understanding their unique needs and finding solutions just for them.

Clare is a Senior Family Partner at Central Bedfordshire Council-here’s how she was able to support one family through Early Help Plus.

Early Help Plus became involved when school reported concerns around DL’s behaviour and threats of self-harm. At the time of referral, Mum stated that she was struggling with managing DL’s behaviour and would welcome some support from Early help plus. We worked with DL, mum and the school.

I held regular TAC meetings with the school and mom to encourage a plan of action and positive outcomes for this family, alongside regular case supervision to discuss any concerns or positives. I completed work with DL around managing his emotions positively, and it has been several months since DL has attempted to self-harm. The relationship between DL and Mom is a work in progress. I have discussed the SPF with mom, and she knows that parental Presence’ is really important, as DL having some 1:1 time with mom would really help DL thrive.

Mom’s mental health is much better, and she has now started a new job supporting a child in the local lower school. She has shared that things have become much better and that she is emotionally stronger in herself and able to ‘stand up for herself’ in situations she is uncomfortable with. When speaking to DL about his mother’s partner, he hasn’t shared anything of concern and says that they spend more time doing more activities together in the holidays, such as bike riding and magnet fishing.

As things have settled at home, mom has started a new job that makes her happy, DL is enjoying school, and the concerns about his emotional wellbeing have diminished, the decision was made to transfer DL to community early intervention. Although mom was a little anxious about the aspect of EH+ no longer being involved, she did agree that this was a positive step forward, and DL also voiced this to me.

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