Be Seen

A place where Children’s Social Workers can be agents for change

Across the Eastern Region, we see how much Children’s Social Work matters. All of our Social Workers, Team Managers and Heads of Service are working with such commitment to keep children with families.

We’re a community of 11 authorities, coming together in a unique collaboration. Together, we’ve reduced the number of children in care across the region – in some cases by up to a third. Every time we develop pioneering new ideas in areas such as family safeguarding – we work collaboratively to roll them out across the region.

With us, your career can develop faster, your ideas can be shared more widely and our Social Workers receive the support they need to be agents for change in their communities.

Join us in the Eastern Region, where we take pride in Children’s Social Work, in each other and in you.

Why the Eastern Region?

Why the Eastern Region?

Spanning the East of the UK, the Eastern Region is made up of 11 local authorities with a collective goal to drive change within Children’s Social Work.

Each of our authorities offers something different – from cityscapes to rural living, apprenticeships to PHDs, part-time and flexible opportunities.

About us
Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

Across the Eastern Region, we are a 3,000-strong team of Children’s Social Workers. We offer all levels of roles, apprenticeships to qualified social workers, Team Leaders and Heads of Service. With diverse caseloads and plenty of opportunity, there is role for everyone.

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Why choose Children's Social Work?

Why choose Children's Social Work?

A career in Children’s Social Care is like no other.

As a Social Worker, you’ll transform the lives of children and families. Offering stability and support, you’ll enhance the lives of families within your community and positively impact the future of many young lives.

Why Social Work?

Working in Children's Services

Discover what it’s like to work in children’s social care from our Social Worker’s and the families they work with

Our Authorities

Councils that make up Eastern Regions