Apprenticeship Schemes

Find out about our Apprenticeship schemes across the Eastern Region

Apprenticeships with the Eastern Region is a brilliant way to launch your career journey in both Adult and Children’s Social Care. Our integrated programmes will award you with the National Standard Level 6 Apprenticeship in Social Work, leading you into a degree in Social Work and will provide the qualification needed to register with Social Work England (SWE).

Working and learning with us will provide you with invaluable hands-on experience in supporting and helping children, adults and their families to have a positive future.

We offer both internal and external candidates for Apprenticeship opportunities, however, please note that some opportunities may be open only to internal candidates, depending on the Local Authority.

Discover your next role.

Find out more about the Apprenticeship schemes we have available across the Eastern Region.

Why do an Apprenticeship in Children's Social Work?

Just like other job roles in Social Care, a full-time Apprenticeship can provide invaluable experience and impact children and adults across the Eastern Regions.

An Apprenticeship provides an alternative route into qualified Social Work rather than studying as  full-time student, allowing you the opportunity to study and undertake placements whilst being in paid employment.

During your Apprenticeship, you will receive consistent and regular supervision and mentoring of your progress against programme requirements and competency frameworks through your line manager, mentor, university and workforce.

You will also receive CPD training as needed, paid time off to support your learning and any existing Terms and Conditions that your Local Authority has such as annual leave, sick leave and pension contributions.

What does an Apprenticeship with the Eastern Regions entail?

An Apprenticeship with the Eastern Regions will:

  • Be three years in duration – Your start date can vary per authority
  • Be worked based – You will learn through on-the-job experience
  • Be employed 30+ hours per week – You will receive a salary and additional benefits, but these vary per Local Authority
  •  Be provided time off to study, including attendance at university
  • Allow you to become a registered Social Worker once you Apprenticeship is fully completed

For more information on what it will be like to study an Apprenticeship with the Eastern Regions, contact us.

Is an Apprenticeship in Social Care right for me?

Applying to an Apprenticeship needs a lot of thought, therefore, you need to make sure it’s something that you’re ready to be dedicated to achieving. Ask yourself, are you ready to:

  • Become a qualified Social Worker?
  • Commit yourself to the programme for the duration of the Apprenticeship?
  • Balance your academic and practice-based commitments?
  • Dedicate the time on a daily and weekly basis?
  • Move teams throughout your Apprenticeship to elevate your experience?

If you have any questions about an Apprenticeship with the Eastern Regions, contact your authority.

Who can I contact to find out more?

If you need any more information about Social Care Apprenticeships, contact the relevant Local Authority via our Contact Us page.

Working in Children's Services

Our Authorities

Councils that make up Eastern Regions